Saturday, May 9, 2009

Latest and best listbuilder!

If you have been around this turf for some time, then the name Kenneth Kraakstad should not be strange to you.

Well, he has this new tool for listbuilding which he has given me the privilege of announcing to my contacts. With his pedigree you can of course safely bet that it is an improvement on any other listbuilder that was there in the market before now.

I'm sure you should have heard all the talk about viral marketing and the wonders it can possibly do for your online business.

I'm going to hand you the chance to email random members, email your own list 10 levels deep, viral rotate your own Text Ads and a unique Tracker that tells you where they click on your links.

This List even "Talks". You can chat and meet new friends. These friends can be added to your personal email list.

With List And Chat, You Can Create A Relationship With Your List Prospects Faster And More Effectively Than Ever Before!

With the "ListAndChat" membership, you will experience a powerful ListBuilder that has it all.

Here's just a small fraction of what you'll be able to do with your own *ListBuilder*:
==> Email Random Members.
==> Send PM's to personal friends from Chat.
==> Email Your List 10 Levels Deep.
==> Track Your Links. Where are they really clicking on my referral urls.
==> An exclusive text ad system designed to drive traffic to your site instantly!
And much much more!

The icing on the cake is that he has even lowered the upgrade prizes until we reach 1000 members.

You really need to check this out foryourself to see how powerful it is: List and chat

To Your Success!

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