Friday, October 2, 2009


Twitter is a tool that allows you to tell people online what you are doing at any given time. You are limited to 140 letters. While this immediately sounds restrictive, some assert that it is actually the strenght of the twitter experience in that it forces users to go straight to the point and trains them in literary economy.

There are no restrictions as to what you can tweet about nor the number of times you can tweet in a day and this makes twitter powerful both as a social networking tool and a marketing tool.

There are a myriad of tools out there for gaining followers on tweeter and I testify that many of them are very good. My best tweeter tool for building followership is, however, Maryanne Meyer's Tweetersonline . It is actually a combo of nine twitter tools all of which you may use free, plus a few additional facilities for those who care to go pro.These exclusive tools are custom and not sold to other websites. They are :

THE BUGGABOO TOOL -it will compare who you follow.. but doesn't follow you back and constantly annoys by tweeting ads to you. You can organize and unfollow them at a click of a button.

THE NEW BLASTER TOOL- it will tweet onto your twitter page from here, and your tweet will show here, plus on 35 other websites. Your tweets can be UNLIMITED in length!

THE "FOR THE TWEEPLE" TOOL- - a traffic exchange for twitter related pages.

THE GIFT GIVING TOOL that alerts the receiver with a DIRECT MESSAGES and a status update with your referral url and any other program/blog/site that you want to advertise.

THE AUTO TWEETER - it will tweet for you anything that you like, 9am, EST everyday.

THE COUNTER - it will keep track of how many REAL people follow you from using this website.

THE REWARD TOOL - reward your followers with tokens (We're the original site that did this!)

AUTO FIND & FOLLOW TOOL - find users and follow them easily.

THE FOLLOWING TOOL - 1 click and you follow members to
gain tokens.

With Tweetersonline ,you can forget about trying so hard to get quality followers on your Twitter account. Forget about using risky programs to collect more followers, or worse, just ignoring the entire Twitter phenomenon because it's not understood or thought of as not useful.

Make that move right now at Tweetersonline